Spotting Animal Health Issues Early

Does Your Dog Need Dental Cleanings?

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While you may be diligent about your bi-annual dental cleanings, have you ever had your pet’s teeth cleaned? This may be on the bottom of your to-do list, but it’s a very important task in order for your dog to be happy and healthy. Read on to learn why dog dental cleaning is important and how it’s done.   Why Is Teeth Cleaning Important? While it’s bad for humans to chew tough objects, chewing is a very natural part of a canine’s world. Read More»

Cat Cold Care: What To Do If Your Cat Catches A Cold

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The common cold is a problem for everyone, even those who aren’t human. Cats can catch a cold just as easily as you can. If you’ve never gone through the common cold with your cat, read this guide so that you know what to do should your kitty become ill. Symptoms To Look For Cats can experience symptoms of colds that are very similar to humans, but not all of the symptoms are identical. Read More»

What To Do If Your Cat Is Straining In The Litter Box

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Cats typically go about their business in their litter boxes without any trouble, but sometimes that’s not the case. If a cat seems to be straining to go, that could indicate that there’s a serious problem going on. Knowing how to recognize the signs that your cat is having difficulty using its litter box is an important skill that can help you to protect your cat’s health. Read on to learn how to detect straining, why it’s so dangerous, and what you must do to keep your cat safe. Read More»

5 Tips For Knowing When To Take Your Pet To The Emergency Vet

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If you have a pet, you need to know what the signs are of a medical emergency in your pet so that you can get the right care for your pet. This can make the difference between saving your pet and losing your pet. #1 Breathing Issues Your pet should be able to breathe freely. If your pet is struggling to bring in a breath and they have not been running or being active, that is a sign that they may be in respiratory distress. Read More»

3 Ways Your Dog Could Lose Their Teeth And What You Can Do To Prevent It

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Your dog’s teeth should last for most, if not all, of his or her life. However, dogs can lose their teeth under certain circumstances. Though dogs don’t need to keep their “smiles” perfect, tooth infections and loss can cause problems with eating and other health issues. Dogs should have regular tooth care or they could risk losing some, or all of their teeth. Here are three common reasons why dogs may lose their teeth and what you can do to lessen the chance of dental problems. Read More»